Form of Thesaurus


CodeSells Thesaurus Builder provides a number of options to obtain the best form for thesaurus outputs:

Form of thesaurus


When you tick this option, only one level of broader terms and one level of narrower terms of the main term will be shown in alphabetical display.


If you tick this option, all levels of superordinate (broader) terms and all levels of subordinate (narrower) terms can be shown in the alphabetical display. In addition, you can limit the number of superordinate or subordinate levels to show (See below).

Limit Broader Terms to X Levels (Enhanced mode only)

When you check this option on, the number of superordinate levels of each term that can be shown in the alphabetical display will be limited to X levels. The default value for this option when it is ticked is 3.

Limit Narrower Terms to X Levels (Enhanced mode only)

When you check this option on, the number of subordinate levels of each term that can be shown in the alphabetical display, will be limited to X levels. The default value for this option when it is ticked is 3.

Repeat Simple Symbols

This option determines the repeatability of symbols for the repeatable fields. If this option is checked on, the symbol of the repeatable fields (such as related terms, synonyms, …) will be iterated each time it is repeated. Otherwise, the symbol is added only for the first repeat of the field.

Right to Left

Check ‘Right to Left’ if the main language of the thesaurus is a right to left language (e.g. Persian or Arabic).

Ignore Spaces

If you check the ‘Ignore Spaces’ on, CodeSells Thesaurus Builder ignores the spaces while sorting.

Symbols in a separate line

By using this option, symbols will be in a separate line. This option is available only if you want to produce the simple form of thesaurus.

Ignore XML formatting

By using this option, all of the extra XML tags which are used for styled formatting will be ignored.


When you tick this option, the XML output will be made with no additional process (such as sorting, combining poly hierarchies, etc). It means that XML records would be exactly the same as records in the hierarchical tree of the thesaurus. This type of XML would be the best choice to transfer thesaurus information to other database systems.

Translations at first

Make this option on to put translations before other elements in RTF, Web and XML reports.

Images at center

This option will make the images center justified in RTF reports.

Indention of the elements

The indention of the elements can be set by using this options. The default value is 19 mm. (RTF only)

Picture size in RTF reports

The size of picture in RTF alphabetical display will be fit in a rectangle which its width and height is defined in these two fields.

Rotational Index

Optionally, you can ignore non-preferred terms or their preferred terms to be added to the Rotational Index. You can also split the Rotational Index report into more than one parts.

‘Default’ button

The ‘Default’ button restores predefined values to the ‘Output Format’.