Welcome to CodeSells Thesaurus Builder User's Manual. This reference contains detailed information about all of the features and functions of CodeSells Thesaurus Builder. This software provides all your needs to successfully work on your thesaurus.
The reference manual is mainly organized by functional topics. However, we want to start with giving a brief overview of the present builder and the practical usage of thesauri.
CodeSells Thesaurus Builder is exclusively distributed by Thesaurus Builder Under a CodeSells™ B.V. i.o. contract. For more information about the builder and updates look us up on our web site: http://www.thesaurusbuilder.com
For further information or questions, please contact us at the address below or send an email to: info@thesaurusbuilder.com
CodeSells B.V. i.o. Sumatrakade 883, 1019RA Amsterdam - The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 419 5235 Fax: +31 20 419 5234
Thesaurus Builder http://www.thesaurusbuilder.com