Step 7: Exporting RTF reports

The information of our sample thesaurus has been completed. Now, we want to see what we did produce:

  1. In the 'Export' group of the 'Import and Export' ribbon page, click on 'Alphabetical Display'.

  2. Select a file name for the ‘Alphabetical Display’ RTF file.

  3. Click on ‘Save’ button.

  4. Again In the 'Export' group of the 'Import and Export' ribbon page, click on 'Rotational Index'

  5. Click on ‘Save’ button.

  6. And finaly, In the 'Export' group of the 'Import and Export' ribbon page, click on 'Hierarchical Relationships'

  7. Click on ‘Save’ button.

That's all. You can open RTF files in the Microsoft Word or any other RTF readers. Add page number or any other necessary information in their headers or footers, and print it.

Notice: Before producing the sample thesaurus, it is better to choose 'Tools > Preferences > Load Defaults' to set the value of thesaurus preferences to default values.