Save As

‘Save As’ saves the current database (.tpo or .tsr) under a different file name. If you select a filename which is already exists, an overwrite warning box appears on the screen.

Caution: Overwriting on an existing file will erase all of the previous contents of the file.

To save a file to a different name:

  1. Click on Save As item of the Application Menu or press Shift+Ctrl+S.

  2. Enter a name in the ‘File Name’ field.

  3. Click on ‘Save’ button.
    If the file already exists, a warning box appears; Click ‘Yes’ if you want to overwrite.

  4. If the warning box appears for unsaved data:

    1. Click ‘Yes’ to save unsaved data.

    2. Click ‘No’ to ignore unsaved data.

    3. Click ‘Cancel’ to cancel renaming process.

Notice: The default extensions of the CodeSells Thesaurus Builder database files are ".tpo" and ".tsr". If your favorite extension for the thesaurus database is different, follow it at the end of the thesaurus database name.