Other Properties


This tab sheet consists of the following fields:


If you want to write a short description about the term, you can write it in this field.


The frequency of the term usage is written in this numerical field. It can be useful for index automation.

Historical Notes

Write the historical usage notes of the term to this alphanumeric text field.


This field contains the abbreviation of the current preferred term. The term shown in this field is non-preferred. There is no need to define the ‘Abbreviation For’ field; CodeSells Thesaurus Builder generates it automatically.

Abbreviation For

This field contains the abbreviated term of the current preferred term. The term shown in this field is non-preferred. There is no need to define the ‘Abbreviation’ field; CodeSells Thesaurus Builder generates it automatically.

Subject Category

‘Subject Category’ comprises an alphanumeric classification scheme that segments the literature in the thesaurus database. You can select which subject categories to be exported to RTF, WEB or XML outputs.

Scope Notes

‘Scope Notes’ are provided when the meaning or usage of a term may not be clear from the term itself or from its relationships.

External Link

Use this field if you want to have a link to an external web address for this term in the WEB reports of your thesaurus. For example: if you write "http://www.thesaurusbuilder.com" in this field, the 'Thesaurus Builder' home page will be opened whenever you click on this term in the HTML format of the thesaurus. If you fill this field, the general external link will be ignored just for this term.

Tip: You can use some tags in the external link field to make it more flexible to use. For example: If you write "http://www.google.com/search?q=%22<#MainTerm>%22" in the 'External Link' field, the main term will be searched in Google each time the user click on it. See the list of available External Link Tags.

Notice: The "Abbreviation: and "Abbreviation For" fields are equal to each other. User should fill only one of them. the application will generate the reciprocated field automatically.