Convert Language Scope

This command is used to produce the current thesaurus in another main language which is used in the translation fields.

To convert translation:

  1. Click on the Language Scope button in the Convert group of the Term Properties ribbon tab page.

  2. Select the language you want to replace the main language with it.

  3. If you want to remove untranslated terms during conversion, check on the "Remove untranslated terms from the tree" check box. Otherwise, check on the "Replace untranslated terms with" and select a word to replace blank translations with it.

Caution: When removing an untranslated term, all of its narrower terms will be removed too.

  1. Click on ‘Start’ button.

  2. Wait while converting language scope.

  3. In the ‘Save’ dialog box, select a new filename for converted database. If the file already exists, a warning box appears; Click ‘Yes’ if you want to overwrite.

Notice: After conversion, the main language of the thesaurus is changed to the new target language.